Tuesday, August 20, 2013

About Ready

Well I'm packed and pretty much ready to go on my grand adventure. Just have to give Kateri a bath and take a shower myself.
I have a bit of apprehension about the air port and getting myself and Kateri through security and to the plane.
I have house sitter lined up to take care of my Emma & the birds. Hope they don't eat each other while I'm gone.
I'm watching a movie now with my friend Mr. Adams It's a Nora Roberts movie,  Midnight Bayou. It's pretty good even if it's a bit different from the book.
Hopefully my posts about the actual trip will be more interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about being apprehensive about getting through the airport security and to the gate in one piece....I am taking a flight to Vermont to get me to upstate NY next month again like I did in April for a wedding I'm in and I think security is the biggest part of what gets my heart racing during the trip. I hope everything goes very smoothly for you tomorrow and I hope you enjoy your adventure, don't forget to take pictures out the window of the plane!!! I love the pictures that I got of the ground and the sky. And please post pics here too I would love to see them. Have a fantastic day tomorrow my dear friend.
